The World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Executive Committee has approved the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List) for 2011. This was announced after their meeting in Montreal, Canada on Saturday.
The new List will now be made official and published by October 1, 2010. It will take effect on January 1, 2011.
The Prohibited List is one of the cornerstones of the harmonized fight against doping. It specifies substances and methods prohibited in sport. Its implementation is mandatory for organizations that have adopted the World Anti-Doping Code.
The annual revision of the List is a consultative process facilitated by WADA, beginning with the circulation of a draft List among stakeholders. Comments received are considered by WADA's List Expert Group, which then presents its conclusions to WADA's Health, Medical and Research Committee.
The latter in turn submits its final recommendations to the Executive Committee, which discusses the recommendations and makes a final decision at its September meeting. (Click here for more information on the process for revising the List.)
“Thanks to the input from international scientific experts and stakeholders, the 2011 List once again reflects the latest scientific advances and broad consensus in the anti-doping community,” said WADA’s President John Fahey.
“As in previous years, changes are founded on expanding anti-doping knowledge, evidence from the field, and constantly growing understanding of doping practices and trends.
This is a dynamic and successful process. As the facilitator of this process, WADA thanks all those who have contributed by providing expertise and feedback.”
New Section for Non-Approved Substances
The 2011 List offers a number of changes compared to the 2010 List. In particular, a new section – “Non-Approved Substances” – has been added.
This “open” section addresses the issue of the abuse of pharmacological substances for the purpose of performance enhancement that are not included in other sections of the List and that are not approved by any governmental regulatory health authority for human therapeutic use (i.e. drugs under pre-clinical or clinical development or discontinued). These substances will be prohibited at all times (in- and out-of-competition).
In addition, platelet-derived preparations (commonly referred as PRP), which are currently prohibited when used by intra-muscular route, have been removed from the 2011 List after consideration of the lack of current evidence concerning the use of these methods for purposes of performance enhancement.
Current studies on platelet-derived preparations do not demonstrate potential for performance enhancement beyond a potential therapeutic effect. WADA will however continue to closely monitor developments of these preparations.
Declaration of Use
Another noteworthy amendment is the removal of the obligation for athletes to file a Declaration of Use for specific substances that are not prohibited.
Declarations of Use, which must be distinguished from Therapeutic Use Exemptions (allowing the use of a prohibited substance), are currently required for salbutamol and salmeterol by inhalation; glucocorticosteroids administered by intra-articular, periarticular, peritendinous, epidural, intradermal and inhalation routes; as well as platelet-derived preparations that are not administered by intramuscular route.
Failure by an athlete to file a Declaration of Use does not currently result in an allegation of an anti-doping rule violation. This administrative requirement was therefore removed.
New Scientific Research Projects
As is traditionally the case at its September meeting, the Executive Committee approved scientific research projects for funding.
Eighty-two research proposals were received this year from 24 countries from all five continents, with 34 being selected by WADA’s Scientific Committees and Executive Committee for a total funding of close to US$4.6 million.
This will bring WADA’s total commitment to scientific research grants to more than US$54 million since 2001.
These projects will help advance anti-doping research in such areas as gene doping, steroid profiling, blood manipulations, the detection and identification of novel doping trends, and the implementation of further means for detecting a number of substances and methods currently abused by athletes or potentially interesting to cheaters.
Project descriptions will be posted on WADA’s Web site once the contracts have been signed.
“Scientific research is a key area of the progress in the fight against doping in sport,” said John Fahey. “WADA strives to continuously enhance existing detection means and anticipate doping trends.
The recent breakthroughs announced by WADA-funded research teams in relation to gene doping detection are good examples of the importance of having a global, coordinated research program in place.
WADA will continue to commit significant resources towards research and to closely cooperate with external scientists, the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, as well as drug agencies and evaluation bodies, in order to further advance anti-doping science.”
Five Bid Cities for 2013 World Conference on Doping in Sport
Members were informed that WADA received five formal bids from cities interested in hosting the 4th World Conference on Doping in Sport in late 2013. These cities (by alphabetical order) are Dallas, USA; Johannesburg, South Africa; Kuwait City, Kuwait; Ljubljana, Slovenia; and Sochi, Russia.
The bid files will be reviewed by WADA’s Management and a report will be submitted to the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board will select the host city at its November 21, 2010 meeting.
The 2013 Conference will be the culmination of the next review of the World Anti-Doping Code (Code), which WADA will launch in 2012.
The review will be based on the consultative model of the Code review process conducted in 2006-2007, leading to the 3rd World Conference on Doping in Sport held in Madrid, Spain, in November 2007.
Athlete Whereabouts
During today’s meeting, Executive Committee Members reviewed an Introductory Note on Athlete Whereabouts Requirements.
This document, accessible here, was developed by WADA to assist anti-doping organizations in developing and operating equitable and appropriate whereabouts and testing programs.
Over the past few months, WADA has conducted a review of the practical implementation of athlete whereabouts requirements by International Federations (IFs) and National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) to assess how World Anti-Doping Code signatories have enforced whereabouts requirements under the Code and how they have exercised their discretion in the management of Registered Testing Pools.
Results of a survey circulated to anti-doping organizations by WADA earlier this year showed that Code signatories overwhelmingly support the principle of whereabouts and reported successful implementation of the rules.
However, the survey also indicated that there is still some misunderstanding from a number of anti-doping organizations as to the purpose of whereabouts requirements.
The Introductory Note helps further clarify the rationale for collecting athlete whereabouts information and assists anti-doping organizations in the practical implementation of the requirements.
In addition, WADA will continue to consult with athletes and Code signatories and will present potential recommendations for practical improvements on how whereabouts requirements are applied on an ongoing basis at the November meetings of WADA’s Executive Committee and Foundation Board.
Think Tank Seminar
On September 17, the day before its meeting, the Executive Committee held a Think Tank Seminar to look, with a critical eye, at the progress and the challenges of the global fight against doping in sport.
This Seminar, which followed a first formal Think Tank held in June 2009 in Oslo, was an opportunity for Members, WADA’s Management, external speakers and facilitators to discuss ideas that will help the anti-doping community shape a way forward.
“WADA constantly looks at ways of improving and enhancing the global fight against doping in sport,” said WADA’s Director General David Howman.
“Therefore we have to challenge ourselves and those who fight against doping in general. For example, what can WADA do better or differently? How can anti-doping programs be improved worldwide? And with what resources? What can be done to ensure that the money spent in the fight against doping is both effective and efficient? This Seminar generated stimulating discussions that we hope will help the anti-doping community move forward in an even stronger fashion.”
The outcomes of the meeting will be further discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting.
Next Meetings
The Executive Committee will hold its next meeting on November 20, 2010, in Montreal. The Foundation Board will meet the following day.