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2024 African Athletics Senior Championships Douala, Cameroon / Photo credit: Yomi Omogbeja & Neto Oluwasegun for AthleticsAfrica is a dedicated website covering Africa athletics news and information at home and in the diaspora. It is the only website run entirely by Africans that is totally devoted to the cause of grassroot athletics development on the African continent.

Check out our Advertising rates below:

Who comes to AthleticsAfrica website:

  • Athletes
  • Coaches
  • Track and Field administrators
  • Government officials
  • Sports Journalists
  • Athletics fans and enthusiasts all over Africa and the rest of the world
  • Africans living abroad

What we offer: offer generous discounts on all banners, sponsored posts and ad placements.

Advertising on our site puts your company logo or special ad in a top position to enhance your company image and build awareness of your products. All ads appear on contracted pages and articles during contract period and are kept on the article page when it moves into archives, providing a long-term exposure to your advertising message.

All banners and buttons include hyperlink to advertiser’s web page of choice.


HPTO (Homepage Takeover) – Responsive AD

  • £1,000 (per month)
    Six months contract (£5,000)
    One year contract (£10,000)


Billboard: (970 x 250) pixels

Background: (1920 x 290) pixels


Leaderboard: (728 x 90) pixels

Background: (1920 x 130) pixels


AMP Leaderboard: (320 x 50) pixels

AMP Background: (760 x 75) pixels

Main Banners

Frontpage: (728 x 90) pixels

  • £1,000 (per month)
    Six months contract (£5,000)
    One year contract (£10,000)

Other Pages: (468 x 60) pixels

  • £850 (per month)
    Six months contract (£4,100)
    One year contract (£8,200)

Sidebar Banners

Section Homepages: (300 x 250) pixels

  • £850 (per month)
    Six months contract (£4,100)
    One year contract (£8,200)

Other Pages: (300 x 250) pixels

  • £650 (per month)
    Six months contract £2,900)
    One year contract (£5,800)

Native Ads / Sponsored posts (Editorial and/or marketing contents for products and events within athletics and sport)

  • £600.00 (per month)
    Six months contract (£550 per month x 6)
    One year contract (£500 per month x 12)


  • Banners and ad placements can be changed monthly.
  • Please supply URL link to your website and ALT text where appropriate.
  • All rates are calculated, open to further negotiations, and can be paid in Nigerian Naira / US Dollars and/or GB Pound Sterling.

AthleticsAfrica/ YSMedia Ltd reserves the right to reject any advertising materials it considers offensive or inappropriate.

Anything placed in the background of the HPTO, may not be seen due to differing user screen resolutions. Please try to keep all key information Billboard or leaderboard.

For more details of our advert rates and to get discounts on the placement, please Contact us.

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