Athletics South Africa responds to new IAAF eligibility rules – Athletics Africa
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Athletics South Africa responds to new IAAF eligibility rules

By Athletics Africa website logoATAF Editors
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Athletics South Africa (ASA) has responded to the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) new Eligibility Regulations for Female Classification (Athlete with Differences of Sexual Development) for events from 400m to the mile, including 400m, hurdles races, 800m, 1500m, one mile races and combined events over the same distances announced today.

The new Regulations require any athlete who has a Difference of Sexual Development (DSD) that means her levels of circulating testosterone (in serum) are five (5) nmol/L or above and who is androgen-sensitive to meet stringent criteria to be eligible to compete in ‘Restricted Events’ in an International Competition (or set a World Record in a Restricted Event at competition that is not an International Competition).

Seen as a direct attack on South African Olympic and World champion Caster Semenya, the ASA released a statement below:

“Athletics South Africa has taken note of the new classification for females.

“We want to acknowledge that this process started long ago, up to a point that CAS was involved and ruled and gave guidance on what should be followed by the IAAF.

“ASA further acknowledges that the IAAF Council has the authority to develop rules and regulations as the highest decision-making body between congresses past and future.

“As a federation, we will study the new regulations and compare them with the CAS recommendations to see if they are compatible and in line.

“We will further seek support from the Minister of Sport and Recreation, SASCOC, other expert institutions and relevant organisations or individuals, so that we have a full grasp of this matter and how it should be properly handled.

“Once done, we will then inter-act with the IAAF. We want to state very clearly that we support all our athletes who may be affected by this new ruling.

“Athletics South Africa refers all future requests for comment on this matter to the IAAF, who issued the statement on the new regulation.”

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