G'day & thanks for coming by again. Another week has come and gone and yet I still find myself looking way way way ahead. I was speaking w/ my coach (Lorraine Moller) recently after a run, and mentioned how I couldn't remember the last time ONE single day had passed by that the thought/dream of the Beijing Olympics didn't enter my min mind in one way or another. Even when I was battling the flu a few weeks back I'd think, "Okay we've gotta kick this thing so we can get back on TRACK."
That being behind me now and just having completed my 2nd full week of training, I'm happy to say that I really do feel like things are falling into place. I had two solid workouts this week (Tues/Saturday) which you can see below, and felt more or less good & cruisy on the days in between. I was able to get a good session of hill drills in as well as two of core. I was still however pretty cautious in the hill drills, as I had been left rather sore by them the week before.
The only real hitch in the week, came on Tuesday when I was doing my 1st workout under Lorraine's supervision since returning from New Zealand, when I was the victim of a (I'll admit a minor) hit and run. I was doing 3 x mile repeats on the roads, with Lorraine following in the car. I was having a good go at it, which was surprising as I really felt sluggish during my warm up. I was about 200 - 300 meters into the last one, when I turned into the next street. Lorraine hadn't made it around the turn yet, as she likes to spot me 50 - 100 meters while in the car. There was a car right in front of me attempting to (I believe) park, when the car behind it decided to -instead of waiting- drive around it and thus eating up the remainder of road.
I was more or less pinned (not physically) between parked cars and this on coming car. It swerved at the last minute, but not before smashing my elbow with its rear view mirror. Their mirror broke, I was spun about 180 degrees, but because I was moving so fast at the time, didn't really break stride much. I looked back as they sped away and finally saw Lorraine making the turn. I didn't want to stop but it did cross my mind. I continued on and closed out that mile as my fastest. It was only afterwards, that I realized the extent of the damage, as my elbow got swollen and there was some blood.
I got several massages (thanks Harlan!) around my shoulder region, as it got pretty tight up there. My Elbow wasn't too bad, just swollen, so I was able to run the next day and the day after that. I still feel a bit of stiffness around my shoulder area, but it'll pass, as I'm getting worked on it daily.
So that's more or less my week. The weather has been great. I'm happy to report that I'm healthy (despite the car thing) and feeling quite optimistic about the near future. I turn 26 on Friday and have not really planned on celebrating it (in earnest) till after my races in Beijing (of course if all goes according to plan). I might head to California for a few weeks of sea level training before my 1st race. This won't be for another month or so.
This will also hopefully allow me 4 more weeks up at elevation where I can put in a solid month before FINALY unleashing and seeing where I'm at. Below is the typical week break down.
Week (#38) February 24th - March 1st
Sunday: Distance: 16.50 miles @ 12:30PM (54 degrees), Pace: 6:21 Run Duration: 1h:45
Good hilly run starting @ home (5,500ft aprox) and climbing straight up for 45 - 50 mins to max elevation of 6,500+/- ft. Felt good but the hills were def tough!
Monday: Distance: 10.50 miles @ Hog backs + Red Rocks + Mt. Sanitas (hilly trail run) @ 4:30PM Pace: 6:28 Run Duration: 68mins. Another good hilly run, where I felt much more fluid than previous day.
Tuesday: AM: SLEEP IN!!! PM: Workout @ North Boulder. 3 x 1 mile Road Repeats. Terrain = Uphill, Flat, Downhill & Flat. Lorraine, Harlan & Jasmine followed in car. Avg pace = 4:33.67 Fastest: 4:28 (last one) Slowest: 4:37 (1st one) Distance: 11 miles total for day
Wednesday: Distance: 14.25 miles @ 8:20AM (38 degrees), Pace: 6:23. Didn't feel too great, but it could've been due to "run" in w/ car yesterday. Started out towards the big hills but turned around and kept it rather flat/boring.
Thursday: Distance: 6.00 miles + Hill Drills @ 8:25AM ( 50 degrees). P.M (5:30) 10 miles + Core Work @ Rally Sports Gym.
Friday: A.M 8:25 Distance: 4.50 miles. P.M 57 degrees @ 4:35 Distance: 11.50 miles PM, Pace: 6:16
Ran from the house straight uphill to Chautauqua Park. It was far too nice of a day not to go up up up high(er) above town and enjoy the views which would be my reward for the lung busting hill climbs. I climbed almost 1,000ft in about 15 - 20 mins of running.
Saturday: A.M 65 Degrees @ 10:15. Easy out & back on Creek Path. Distance: 8.00 miles
P.M: (75 degrees!) Workout @ Boulder High School: 12 x 400 meters (400m jog recovery) . With Lorraine & her friend Lynn there for support. Avg pace = 65.00, Range: 66 = slowest, 61 = fastest (last one). Picked up a cramp about 6 or 7 reps into it, but luckily it didn't get worst. Lorraine said I looked smooth and relaxed whole way. Break Down of the Miles: 4:25 = 1st mile (4 x 400m), 4:21 = 2nd mile & 4:14 = 3rd mile. Would've liked to "close" (meaning finish the workout) a lot faster w/ sub 60 last lap, but was pretty honest with effort and thus had little left to go much quicker. Total Mileage (for day): 20.75 miles
Distance: 21.50 miles total for day
Week's Total Mileage: 105 (avg: 15.00 miles per day)
Thanks again for stopping by....
Peace & Love